This copyright notice applies to all content created and distributed by Hachipuro. This notice may be changed without further notice. By viewing or otherwise using the content created and distributed by Hachipuro, you agree to the terms and conditions of this copyright notice. This notice applies exclusively to your access.


Content created and distributed by Hachipuro are Copyright © 2024-2025 by Hachinari Productions PLT. All rights reserved. Content created and distributed by Hachipuro or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, distributed, published, reused, modified or used in any manner whatsoever other than personal use by the person(s) who received the content.

Copyright is automatically secured when content is created. 

Any unauthorized copying, redistribution, republishing, reproducing, reused, modified, manipulated, sold, transferring of content to another person(s) of all content created and distributed by Hachipuro in any medium, whether directly or indirectly, are strictly prohibited. 

Any removal of unique identifiers of the content are also strictly prohibited.

Unlawful use of any copyrighted content, or passing off any of the content as your own, will result in legal actions.